Partonomy list P3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

vena portae hepatis

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema venosum Short Extended
Current level vena portae hepatis Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
66645 4810 tax
vena portae hepatis ; vena portae
hepatic portal vein; portal vein
66645 14686 tax
pars intrahepatica venae portae hepatis
intrahepatic part of hepatic portal vein
15414 4811 tax
ramus dexter
right branch
15419 4812 tax
ramus anterior
anterior branch
15422 4813 tax
ramus posterior
posterior branch
15415 4814 tax
ramus sinister
left branch
15789 4815 tax
pars transversa
transverse part
15425 4816 tax
caudate branches
77160 4817 tax
pars umbilicalis
umbilical part
14080 2668 tax
ligamentum venosum
venous ligament
15430 4818 tax
rami laterales
lateral branches
70317 4819 tax
vena umbilicalis
umbilical vein
14079 2672 tax
ligamentum teres hepatis
round ligament of liver
15427 4820 tax
rami mediales
medial branches
71904 15540 tax
pars prehepatica venae portae hepatis
prehepatic part of hepatic portal vein
15403 4821 tax
vena cystica
cystic vein
71591 4822 tax
venae paraumbilicales
paraumbilical veins
15398 4823 tax
vena pancreaticoduodenalis superior posterior
posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein
15399 4824 tax
vena gastrica sinistra
left gastric vein
15400 4825 tax
vena gastrica dextra
right gastric vein
15404 4826 tax
vena prepylorica
prepyloric vein
14332 4827 tax
superior mesenteric vein
70927 4828 tax
venae jejunales
jejunal veins
70928 4829 tax
venae ileales
ileal veins
14691 tax
(truncus gastropancreaticocolicus )
(gastropancreaticocolic trunk )
15397 4830 tax
vena gastroomentalis dextra ; vena gastroepiploica dextra
right gastroomental vein ; right gastroepiploic vein
70929 4831 tax
venae pancreaticae
pancreatic veins
70930 4832 tax
venae pancreaticoduodenales inferiores
inferior pancreaticoduodenal veins
329297 17799 tax
venae pancreaticoduodenales superiores anteriores
anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal veins
15408 4833 tax
vena ileocolica
ileocolic vein
15410 4834 tax
vena appendicularis
appendicular vein
15407 4835 tax
vena colica dextra
right colic vein
15406 4836 tax
vena colica media
middle colic vein
14331 4837 tax
splenic vein
15390 tax
truncus splenomesentericus
splenomesenteric trunk
15388 4838 tax
venae pancreaticae
pancreatic veins
15389 4839 tax
venae gastricae breves
short gastric veins
15390 4840 tax
vena gastroomentalis sinistra ; vena gastroepiploica sinistra
left gastroomental vein ; left gastroepiploic vein
15391 4841 tax
vena mesenterica inferior
inferior mesenteric vein
15394 4842 tax
vena colica sinistra
left colic vein
15395 4843 tax
venae sigmoideae
sigmoid veins
15393 4844 tax
vena rectalis superior ; vena anorectalis superior
superior rectal vein ; superior anorectal vein ; superior haemorrhoidal vein
15491 tax
portocaval anastomoses
15492 tax
anastomosis portocavalis gastrooesophagealis
gastrooesophageal portocaval anastomosis
15399 4824 tax
vena gastrica sinistra
left gastric vein
62829 4491 tax
venae oesophageae ; venae oesophageae
15843 tax
anastomosis portocavalis mesentericorectalis
mesentericorectal portocaval anastomosis
15391 4841 tax
vena mesenterica inferior
inferior mesenteric vein
70913 4766 tax
venae rectales inferiores ; venae anorectales inferiores
inferior rectal veins ; inferior anorectal veins ; inferior hemorrhoidal veins
15496 tax
anastomosis portocavalis rectalis
rectal portocaval anastomosis
15393 4844 tax
vena rectalis superior ; vena anorectalis superior
superior rectal vein ; superior anorectal vein ; superior haemorrhoidal vein
70912 4762 tax
venae rectales mediae ; venae anorectales mediae
middle rectal veins ; middle anorectal veins ; middle hemorrhoidal veins
15497 tax
anastomosis portocavalis subcutanea
subcutaneous portocaval anastomosis
71591 4822 tax
venae paraumbilicales
paraumbilical veins
44318 4780 tax
vena epigastrica superficialis
superficial epigastric vein
15498 tax
anastomosis portocavalis muscularis
muscular portocaval anastomosis
71591 4822 tax
venae paraumbilicales
paraumbilical veins
21162 4772 tax
vena epigastrica inferior
inferior epigastric vein
15499 tax
anastomosis portocavalis preperitonealis
preperitoneal portocaval anastomosis
71591 4822 tax
venae paraumbilicales
paraumbilical veins
18934 4755 tax
plexus venosus vesicalis
vesical venous plexus
15500 tax
anastomosis portocavalis retroperitonealis
retroperitoneal portocaval anastomosis
14331 4837 tax
vena splenica ; vena lienalis
splenic vein
14688 tax
venae retroperitoneales anteriores
anterior retroperitoneal veins
15501 tax
anastomosis portocavalis hepatica
hepatic portocaval anastomosis
14472 2712 tax
capsula fibrosa perivascularis
perivascular fibrous capsule
14480 2665 tax
area nuda faciei diaphragmaticae hepatis
nude area of diaphragmatic face of liver
67 lines
70.1 %
68.7 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Fine veins emptying into the ventral aspect of the inferior vena cava and its tributaries (Turyna et al. 2013 J Anat 223:69-73).
The Truncus gastropancreaticocolicus is a short venous trunk, usually formed by the confluence of the right gastroomental vein, the anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein and the superior right colic vein, draining into the superior mesenteric vein (Stefura et al. 2018 Clin Anat 31:1109-1121).
The Splenomesenteric trunk is the last segment of the splenic vein between its confluence with the inferior mesenteric vein and the beginning of the portal vein (Benninger 2013 Folia Morphol 72:63-66).
Under pathological conditions, venovenous ‘bypasses’ open to decrease hypertension in the portal vein system. These are enlarged existing venovenous anastomoses: Portocaval anastomoses. The following major routes can be distinguished (Luzsa G 1972 Röntgenanatomie des Gefäßsystems. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Between tributaries of the left gastric vein and the oesophageal veins.
Between tributaries of the superior rectal vein and the middle and inferior rectal veins.
Between the paraumbilical veins and tributaries of the superficial eipgastric and thoracoepigastric veins.
Between the paraumbilical veins and tributaties of the inferior and superior epigastric veins within both rectus abdominis muscles.
Between the paraumbilical veins and tributaries of the vesical venous plexus running in the midline along the median umbilical ligament.
Between veins of the spleen and retroperitoneal veins and veins of the posterior abdominal wall.
Between veins of the hepatic capsule and veins of the diaphragm at the area nuda hepatis.
Between the inferior mesenteric vein and the middle and inferior rectal veins.
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 4810
Sublist 1 4827 vena mesenterica superior 11/12 on 21.1.2025
Sublist 2 4837 vena splenica 8/9 on 21.1.2025
Sublist 3 15491 anastomoses portocavales 24/25 on 21.1.2025
Subtotals subchildren 43 subunits 46
Proper children 23
Number of children 66 (validated)
Proper units 21
Number of units 67 (validated)
Signature 5752 (validated since 21.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025